Many measurements are dependent upon the definition of the foot axis, giving rise to different values assigned to the same designation. This is particularly problematic in the case of key references, such as the foot axis.
Foot scanning companies are providing measuring software that follow different definitions. IEEE SA Industry Connections (IC) 3D Body Processing (3DBP) Footwear Subgroup recommends that each digital foot measurement provider make measurement definitions publicly available for foot measurement data consumers. IEEE SA 3D Body Processing Industry Connections - Comprehensive Review of Foot Measurements Terminology in Use (PDF)ĭigital foot measurements are typically obtained from foot scanners or digital measuring software providers and they are consumed (or used) by footwear brands, orthotic workshops, size recommendation platforms, or even directly by footwear and orthotics users. The intent of this white paper is to highlight areas of opportunity for standard development organizations, specifically the IEEE P3141 Working Group, to focus on and further enable broad market use for the various sectors and users. This notwithstanding, interoperability, data security and privacy, quality, portability, and trustworthiness are opportunities to be realized. Innovation in technology and application software, as well as growing and diverse connectivity, are leading 3D scanners to become a more integral element in the overall value chain. However, 3D scanning appears to be primarily dependent on users. The ongoing technological advancements in terms of portability, scanning range, and image quality have opened new application areas for 3D scanning. 3D scanners have become a critical tool for shortening product development and manufacturing time. IIEEE SA 3D Body Processing Industry Connections-Summary and Recommended Actions for Communications, Security, Privacy, and Trust (CSPT) (PDF)ģD scanning is a process that captures the three-dimensional attributes of an object and includes surface texture and spectral content.
This white paper gives a brief introduction to the series and solicits participation by individual scientists and engineers who see the importance of this work, by companies producing monitoring equipment, and by entities that set regulations that govern this field. The hope is that by targeting specific applications more traction can be gained than during previous attempts at standards. It is structured as a series of standards that target different, common, odor emission applications, such as outdoor air pollution and chemical processes. The standards are designed for those developing and using odor analysis devices, electronic noses, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) analyzers. Introduction to the IEEE P2520™ Series of Standards on Olfaction Devices and Systems (PDF)Ī new series of international odor monitoring and analysis standards are being developed by the IEEE Sensors Council and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, in collaboration with the International Society for Olfaction and Chemical Sensing.